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Nutritionist Flint MI – For Weight Loss, Less Exercise May Be More

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 @ 10:01 AM

HealthNews of the Month
Click on each headline to read the full story.

University study Flu vaccine effectiveness claims are wildly exaggerated
“It is once again the season of influenza, and the push is on to get your flu shot. But does this hallmark of Western medicine really provide the protection health experts claim it does?”

Blocking Glycolysis May Cure Cancer
“Cancer cells are different from normal cells. Every normal cell in your body has programmed into its genetic material, a process called APOPTOSIS, that lets it live and multiply only so long and then it dies.”

For Weight Loss, Less Exercise May Be More
“Most people who start working out in hopes of shedding pounds wind up disappointed, a lamentable circumstance familiar to both exercisers and scientists.”

Dark Chocolate Deterred Exercise-Induced Damage
“A bit of dark chocolate before exercise may decrease the damaging effects of oxidative stress.”

Download audio file (jan2013scatterfeld.mp3)

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